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Our focus in the natural resources sector includes: oil, gas, renewable energy and clean technologies.

Red Cardinal Holdings, Inc. and their global partners are committed to providing a financial platform to international markets.

Red Cardinal Holdings, Inc.’s real estate group provides equity capital targeting residential and commercial projects.

We acquire full service, upscale, luxury properties, as well as prime development opportunities in the hospitality market.

We invest in high growth companies that sell clever, exciting products with high potential and sustainable gross margins.

Our primary focus is discovering, developing and investing in new medical technologies.

Renewable Energy/ Natural Resources

Green Technologies

Red Cardinal Holdings, Inc.’s focus in the natural resource sectors includes: oil, gas, renewable energy and clean energy technologies. Our platform consist of providing financial solutions, operations and management expertise. We target investments that capture opportunities both globally and domestic.

We are particularly focused on the following energy sectors:

Green construction and building material efficiency: including new technology in advanced building materials, power-grid efficiency and recycling technologies.

Clean energy: including power generation and storage technologies, clean energy innovation, and sustainable biofuels.

Environmental resources: including water purification and waste management.

Commodities and Mining

We will partner alongside existing principals who require financial solutions and equity investments. Our strategy is to identify quality energy and mining projects with strong fundamentals and fair-market valuations.


  • We will consider projects ranging from advanced exploration properties to producing assets.

  • We will consider development, buyout, roll-up and distressed investment opportunities.

Red Cardinal is not limited by investment style and uses a variety of investment techniques to suit the circumstances of any investment opportunity considered.

Renewable Energy: With investments in regulated natural gas and solar production/farming intensifying over the next 10 years, our team is  focused on providing  solutions.

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